Massage offers a multitude of benefits as you progress through pregnancy and beyond.
With over 180 sizes this boutique in downtown Toronto will have you covered...and lifted.
Now's your chance to find out what's happened to your favourite past bloggers from YMC.
Is it possible? A workout you'll love? This fitness movement addresses the needs of a woman's body, mind, and spirit–with some ultra-cool music thrown in.
Plus-size company Cabiria stole the limelight at New York Fashion Week with these six outfits that will change the fashion game forever.
Online shopping just got more fun for curvy Canadians!
Feel powerful, strong, sexy, chic or beautiful with these dresses customized just for you.
plus-size yoga
Have you ever gone to a gym or fitness studio and felt so intimidated you wanted to leave? Now there's a gym just for you.