Forty And Fabulous

Why 40 Is The New 20: Go On, Act Your Age!

I went to a friend’s 40th birthday party over the weekend. It was fun, but it would have been more so if I didn’t have to sit with a group of whining 40+ women for the night! I even heard the big 'A' word come up, yup – Arthritis. Instead of celebrating, my poor friend was now dreading this milestone in her life! I could see her face slowly turn white while a voice in her head pleaded “say it isn’t so”….

I know how she feels and can honestly say that I wasn’t too excited about turning “middle age” myself.

My younger brother and his wife were having babies while mine were older and becoming much more independent. This was nice, but I also felt they didn’t really need me anymore – my son wouldn’t even let me kiss him good bye in front of his friends at school for fear of embarrassment. Feeling like I wasn't needed as much, I could either fall into a spiraling depression OR turn it around and celebrate. I chose the latter.

Recently a friend of mine passed away. She was 42 and had two kids the same age as mine. What did I learn from this horrible circumstance? To enjoy every day like it’s your last and make sure to find time for yourself and your family.

I turned Monday night at our house into a date night. Hubby and I enjoy a glass of wine while eating dinner with no interruptions. Plus I make sure we go out at least once over the weekend “sans” kiddies.  And of course “a “girls' night out” is a MUST! This is the perfect time in one's life to let loose and have fun - while you’re still in good health, look good and are active. As my mother would say, “these are the best years of your life”.

My husband and I make sure to eat well and work out on a regular basis to stay healthy. I used to be a member at the gym pre-kids, however, found it hard to find the time to take two hours out of my day to go to the gym with little ones at home. Instead I bought an elliptical, exercise ball and free weights and TADA and now have a home gym. I hired a personal trainer who gave me a couple of workouts to do on alternating days which I follow religiously four times a week. My husband runs at least three times a week which keeps his ticker in top form! Now that we moved to the city we walk everywhere, which sets a great example for our kids. My husband and I feel better now than we did in our twenties and thirties.

Reaching a milestone isn't something to dread.  It’s time to jump on the 40’s train and enjoy the ride!!

Heather Held is the co-founder of, a social networking site for people in their 40s to challenge themselves and others in the areas of Travel, Health & Fitness and Social Activities. Members can post pictures, chat with each other and post their accomplishments.

You can follow Heather on twitter @fortyliciousCa.