Cure for a Lopsided Life

From Chaos to Happiness

As I sit at my computer, midnight fast approaching, it dawns on me that the only thing balanced in my life are my tires.

I'm the mother of two young children, one with special needs. My life is consumed by “mom tasks”  - school drops offs, medical appointments, soccer practice, music lessons…the usual harried mom circuit. Amid the daily chaos, there’s also an attempt to fit in working from home and the occasional teaching stint. I am the poster child for imbalanced living – the strained voice of the sleep deprived, guilt stricken and disorganized.

In a moment of lucidity after a miraculous five hours of consecutive sleep, I have decided to try to swing the scales back into balance. But before attempting balance, step one is to first work on changing my attitude.

So here are ten ways to make life a little happier:

 Set a reasonable bed time. The notable difference in attitude and energy will make sleep suddenly seem sexy and desirable.

Laugh as often as possible.

Incorporate thoughtfulness into your life and focus on those around you. A kind gesture to a friend, neighbour or even a stranger is like a mini-facial for the soul.

Be creative. Decorate a cake, arrange some flowers, sketch a drawing of your dog, Photoshop some pictures, make up a dance with your kids and perform it together.

Don’t be a Molly Maid martyr. Delegate! Spouses and older children make excellent dusters, dog walkers and laundry folders….even if they don’t do things exactly the way you would. Let it go and delight in the cheap labour.

Make “me time” a priority. This does not include organizing the kitchen cupboards or filing (with the exception of your nails).

Date. Anyone . Your husband, your friend, your mother. Go out for dinner, walk by the lake, take a cooking class, hit some golf balls. Seek fun and soak up joy.

Vitamins. Buying and storing them in your cupboard doesn’t cut it. You actually have to take them. Daily. With water. Lots and lots of water.

Engage in activities that invigorate you. Running, tap dancing, singing. Find “that thing” and do it often. The same goes for exercise. You have to DO IT. You burn surprisingly few calories dusting your treadmill.

Ditch the Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers in your life and surround yourself with people who make you feel proud, inspired, energized and loved.

Finding happiness is the first step towards a balanced life. As they say, “a happy mom = a happy family.” And if your family is happy, doesn’t it make sense that everything else will just balance out?



Lisa is a former elementary school teacher turned disability parenting advocate. Lisa and Avery share snippets of family life on Instagram and on their mother-daughter podcast. They share the happy and the hard, because real life doesn’t have a filter. You can visit them at: