Surviving Maternity Leave

Save Your Sanity With These High Tech Must-Haves

Pregnant woman with phone

I am a nerd at heart. I love technology and gadgets of all kinds, and I am an early-adopter type. For my maternity leave in 2007, I knew full well that I would still be immersed in Technology. My computer and I had a thing going, and motherhood wasn’t going to change THAT.

I was excited to share my news about my son’s birth and I had my Smartphone at the ready in my hospital room. I managed to blog out my news with some advanced preparation via a text (hey it was 2007) when hubby wasn’t looking: I had become a mom to a beautiful baby boy.

The next 12 months went by so fast - if not for technology, I wouldn’t have remembered all those important moments, gotten rest or stayed MYSELF. As I am about to embark on the wonderful journey of motherhood for a 2nd time, I thought I should reflect on things I couldn’t live without for the benefit of any new moms out there.

 My iMac was gifted to me by my wonderful husband shortly after our son’s birth. It has really become the hub of my life – from my always-on music jukebox (music nerd too), web surfing/blogging, and the family schedule - you name it. The best and coolest thing it allows me to do was create amazing holiday cards and calendars showcasing my son for friends and family through Apple’s iPhoto application. It was SO easy for me to be creative (even when I’m not). Not a cheap investment, but a computer is a given nowadays isn’t it?

A digital camera/video camera. Because I am one of those people that does NOT remember every detail (but long to be), if not for digital photo evidence, my son’s life so far would be a blur. My recommendation here is simply: GET ONE.

Internet/Social Media – for me this was essential in keeping me connected to the outside world and getting the information that I needed when I was questioning myself as a new mom. There are SO many online resources out there (like and that allow moms to feel like they are NOT alone. It also helped me to feel relevant with my OTHER life before kids, while still embracing motherhood.

PVR/DVR – Perhaps not essential for those who don’t watch much TV, but it really was the only thing that got me through the hours of breastfeeding and if it hadn’t been for my ability to watch WHAT I wanted when I wanted (and be able to PAUSE live TV!!), I think I might have just lost it altogether. You are not tied to any schedule, and can fit in how much (or how little) TV you want WHEN you want. And I haven’t watched commercials in YEARS. Yay.

Mommy gadgets/must-haves:

I was given a Miracle Blanket as a gift, and it is simply that – a miracle. My son was sleeping blissfully for hours at a time and at NIGHT very early in his life. To this day, the kid sleeps 12 hours straight. I now buy one for every baby shower (lots of Canadian retailers carry it now too– i.e.

My Itzbeen Timer. I remember furiously writing down on the sheets of paper that the hospital gives you in order to record pees, poops, diaper changes, feeds etc. and soon became obsessed (and annoyed) with all of this tracking. I found a gadget online that I thought would give my OCD side some relief and take much of the annoyance away. It allows you with a click of a button to indicate the times of all of these important events, (feeds, changes, naps and anything else you want to track). The bonus was that it included a flashlight-type light, and the ability to track the last side you breastfed on.

My Patemm Pad – was another essential for me. In one small folded-up pad, I could keep all the diaper essentials with me. It unfolded in a round pad so it didn’t matter where/how baby was placed - he fit. The handles make it easy to carry and it folds small enough to fit into a diaper bag too. LOVE it. Can now be sourced in Canada too!

Noise maker of some kind. We had a Prince Lionheart slumber bear that you could keep near baby to simulate the noise they grew accustomed to in mummy’s tummy. I know there are many other white noise machines available now that would do the trick as well, and they work to block out any ambient noise (might be more of a factor for me next time with a preschooler in the house).

My iPad. Now between my Smartphone and my awesome iMac you wouldn’t think I would need this tablet computer, but I see it as an essential for next year. First of all, it will allow me stay connected when I am up in my bed with a newborn, and for all those appointments or times I need to keep my 3 yr old occupied and the usual things aren’t cutting it. Whether it be a favorite “show”, or in my (preferred) case the ability to flip through a kids eBook, or do some digital finger-painting, I expect it will be a mommy lifesaver.

Dana Sinclair is a corporate IT techie mom to a toddler boy with another one on the way in January 2011. Also known to have coined the term Nerd up! to celebrate and recognize all things nerdy. A music lover with an appreciation for design and the finer things in life, she moved out of the Big Smoke a few years ago to experience the quiet life, but not too far that she couldnt get her high speed. She feels connected to her IRL friends and family with the help of the Internet and is particularly interested in social media culture. She most recently won a car simply by responding to a tweet.

You can find her at and revamping her personal blog at