
The List

My Celebrity Crushes

The List

My husband has a “list” that grows every time we watch a movie or a show. This list is his “Hall Pass List”. Celebrities that he is allowed to have sex with should he have the opportunity. He always asks my permission “Can she be on my list?” and I always say yes.

I figure odds are he will never actually meet these people, and should they actually meet, there is probably about a 1 in a million chance that it will lead to sex.

On his list: Penny from Big Bang Theory, Matt Damon’s girlfriend in the Bourne Trilogy, The chick from Myth Busters and a kijillion other women.

I decided I would make my own list. Here it is:

Shemar Moore - He’s been on my radar since he was on The Y & R. I haven’t really watched him in Criminal minds very often, but when I do catch an episode, I really enjoy... the plot.

Chris Cornell - I was a grunge girl back in the 90’s and that’s when my Chris Cornell crush started. My heart still goes pitter patter when I hear him sing.

Keifer Sutherland - I don’t know what it is about Keifer, but he’s definitely on the list. Maybe it’s all those times he saved the world on 24? Perhaps it’s left over from his Flatliners days? Don’t know, but he’s on the list.

Jason Statham - Again, can’t really explain it, just something about him. Should we ever actually meet, Jason isn’t allowed to speak. When he talks, he ruins all my fantasies.

And finally...Taye Diggs. I think he’s pretty self explanatory. He’s totally yummy.

Who is on your list?


5 Teacher Gifts That Don't Suck

Think Outside the Knick Knack Box

5 Teacher Gifts That Don't Suck

Schools out for summer!!

Okay, not quite yet, but the end of the school year is just around the corner. This means that parents everywhere are pondering the perfect end of year teacher gift. I have never been a teacher myself, but I do have several teacher friends, and every year they get loaded with loot when that final bell rings.

So, here are my thoughts on the matter. If every year, 30 people brought me little knick knacks at both Christmas and the end of the school year, you would be watching me dig myself out of knick knack hell on Hoarders. No one person needs that many knick knacks.

Now, I’m not saying that the teachers don’t appreciate all your thoughtful gifts, and I’m sure that some don’t end up getting filed in the garbage can, but how much chocolate can one teacher eat?

So, here are my suggestions for the Top 5 Teacher Gifts that don’t suck:


1. A Tim Horton’s gift card . Even if every kid brought in a Tim Horton’s gift card for $10, it would only add up to $300. If the teacher gets a drink there every day of the school year at an average cost of $1.50 that’s $285. Perfect! 





2. A handmade thank-you card. I am certain that this gift will have way more meaning than any box of chocolates or vase that you find at the dollar store. It also takes up very little space and can be stored easily if it has sentimental value.





3. A Staples gift card. Teachers often have to buy supplies and Staples offers teacher discounts and rewards.



4. A travel coffee mug. I think most teachers drink a lot of coffee. There are some very cool reusable coffee mugs out there and they can be used for other beverages too. If your teacher is anything like me, they will lose their mugs often, and having an abundance will be helpful.



5. Nothing. It’s okay not to give a gift to your child’s teacher. They get paid to do their job, so don’t feel bad if a gift isn’t in your budget or you just don’t want to give a gift. Have your child give their teacher a nice hug (are they allowed to hug anymore?) and tell them they really enjoyed being in their class, and then let them be on their way.

Teachers? Do you agree?



Oh Canuck!

A Lesson in Sportsmanship All Athletes Should Learn

Oh Canuck!

Well, I have one sad Canucks fan on my hands here.

We decided to let Ethan stay up for the last game of the Stanley Cup. Not only was it possible that a Canadian team might win, but the Canucks are also Ethan’s favourite team. I should mention this is the team he chose at the beginning of the year, not one he started cheering for because they were winning.

He made this sign to hold while he watched:


Then, he decided to go to bed half-way through the 3rd period because he had lost faith.

All my life, I played soccer, and for most of that my father was my coach. He always had a good pep talk for us when we were up against a tough team, reminding us that anyone can win, and not to defeat ourselves by believing the other team was better.

The reverse was said of a team that we could beat easily. He would tell us not to get too confident. If we go in expecting to win, we could easily not try as hard and give away the game.

So, when I saw this quote from Daniel Sedin, I thought the Canucks might be in trouble:

"We're going to win Game 7. We're 3-3 and we won all three games at home, and we have the fourth game at home. So we have the seventh game at home, and we'll take that. We are confident."

I wish that Sedin’s dad had given the same pep talks as my dad.

Better luck next year, Vancouver.
