5 Ways to Keep Your Baby's Feet Healthy

How to love those tender tootsies


Your child’s feet grow extremely quickly during their first year of life. Because children’s feet are so pliable, and their communication options are limited many foot problems go unnoticed which can have lasting impacts on their lives. So let’s talk about 5 tips to help keep your child safe from these problems! Many of these come from the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA).

1. Give Them Chances to Exercise Their Feet

Letting your young child lay uncovered gives them a chance to kick and do other motions that helps prepare them for standing. BabyCenter suggests making it a game by tickling your child’s legs and feet to encourage them to flex and exercise their little foot muscles.  

2. Change Your Child’s Position Several times per Day

Having children lie in one spot for too long can actually put stress on their legs and feet, the APMA explains. The same holds true for activity centres. Try and keep their time spent in activity centres to 15 minutes or less at a time to help prevent undue stress on their legs and feet.

 3. Watch How They Walk

When your child begins walking, watch them carefully. Do they walk primarily on their tiptoes? Do they favor or walk primarily on one foot? It’s normal for your child to walk on their tiptoes when they’re first learning to walk, but KidsHealth suggests that persistent toe-walking after age 2 or frequently favoring one foot should be checked by your doctor.

4. Make Sure Shoes and Socks Fit Properly

When your child does begin walking, shoes are not necessary indoors. In fact, allowing your child to walk barefoot helps them develop their strength and the grasping action of the toes. However, APMA suggests lightweight, flexible shoes need to be worn to help prevent infections and sprains when your child walks on rough or dirty surfaces.  

5. When in Doubt, Ask Your Doctor

APMA explains abnormal walking can lead to foot and ankle problems later in life, so most doctors recommend seeing a podiatrist as your child begins walking and at any other time you see something that doesn’t look normal--including abnormalities in the shape of their feet or the way they walk.

Babies' feet are an important foundation of their future active lives so it’s really important to follow these tips and be on the lookout for anything that may be off!

Reference: calgarypodiatrist

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Part time blogger, soon to be mom. Enjoying life in Calgary!