It's a game played by exhausted parents around the country—trying to have sex without your kids barging in.
New Year, New You. New things to stuff in your vagina, apparently.
Sexy is probably the last thing you feel right now, so this is how you go from making your "spark" go from smoldering to hot again.
Valentines Day for Kids
Everything Valentines day now is targeted at kids, and I think it's time we take one holiday back for us adults.
Vagina game
Apparently France has been playing vajayjay video games for YEARS.
So Your Kids Found Your Sex Toys...
How one mom handled her toddler finding her bedroom tickle trunk and why closets have a top shelf.
A UK mom caved to her man's needs, posted about it, and many readers find her revelation demeaning. | Parenting |
A UK mom caved to her man's needs, posted about it, and many readers find her revelation demeaning.
All roads point to sex being negative and a source of shame - never an intimate, healing, spiritual act that can also be damn fun and feel good.