Down syndrome model
Now here's a store we'll shop at! Wet Seal, whose slogan is to fit in while standing out, is the complete antithesis to the retailer Abercrombie & Fitch.
You can fantasize about running away to the Maldives but the reality is, if you want to de-stress you need to do this.
fat shaming
A six-packed mom of three is under fire for 'fat shaming' other moms who don't have the same physique. What do you think of the image? Insulting or inspiring?
This year, Trying Times is less about trying and more about doing. To quote Yoda, 'Do or do not. There is no try.' But knew that already, you did.
I've avoided public speaking for three years now, but when I started to listen to my friends instead of my head, I got out and did it.
Music has been nothing short of a salvation to Megan Landry, the once-bullied teen whose video 'Stronger' has become a YouTube sensation.
Grab a tissue because you won't be able to watch these speeches without crying.
blissful moment with child
Three easy ways to treat yourself like a star and find your bliss.