This is How to Get Started Couponing in Canada like a Pro

A crash course in Canadian couponing.

This is How to Get Started Couponing in Canada like a Pro

Brittany is a mother, millennial, minimalist, coffee addict, and professional rambler. She resides in beautiful Northern Ontario where the air hurts her face but she's okay with that. Want to be her friend? Introduce her to your dog. 


Depending on the type of dishes you have, marks like those in the image above are, over time, inevitable.

But thankfully, there is a way to restore your dishes, mugs, plates, and bowls back to their good-as-new state, and all it takes is two ingredients you already have in your kitchen.

Before I tell you how to do it, let me tell you why these marks happen and how you can help to avoid them.

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Milky, Frothy Engine Oil: Should I Worry?

This milkshake won't bring all the right boys to the yard

Milky Engine Oil Cap

Look under your engine oil cap and you may see a milky, frothy residue. There are a couple of reasons for this — one being more serious than the other. In either case, it's not ideal for your engine.

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The Best Rice Krispies Squares You'll Ever Make!

Forget the recipe on the back of the box, follow this recipe instead!

by: Lara Katz

Is it ridiculous to post a recipe for Rice Krispies squares when the recipe is printed on the back of the box of cereal?

I don’t think so because in my opinion the recipe on the box is wrong! 

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4 Common 5-Year-Old Sleep Issues and How to Handle Them

Sleep issues at age 5 are more common than you think.

When your children gets past the baby, toddler, and teething phase, it may seem your sleep problems are over with. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for many big kids. Sleep issues among kids around the age of 5 happen more often than you may think.

Here are a few of the most common 5-year-old sleep issues and how you can help tackle them so your child gets the restorative sleep their body needs.

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couple in bed

Body image issues suckand not in a good waybut it isn’t only our own struggles that can get us down. You may know your sexual partner is a stone fox, but if they aren’t feeling their own sexiness, it can be tough on a relationship.

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Buying Condoms For Our Teens

Coloured, tinted, dry or powdered, ribbed, studded, textured, lubricated, non-lubricated, and flavoured. But what kind should we buy for our teen?

Buying Condoms For Our Teens

Buying Condoms For Our Teens

Mother of three young adults. Our eldest, recently moved out. Middle daughter, graduated from university, and is just finishing graduate school. The youngest is in his third year of university in another province.

I love camping in the wilderness of Algonquin Provincial Park which always includes one portage. I have a wonderful, patient husband who will carry all the gear and do most of the paddling. I also love cooking and spending time with our beagle Cocoa and middle child's dog Bear, who also lives with us.

More about me: 1st accident April 27th, 1979, five cars hit the city bus I am on. 2nd accident May 6th, 1979, city bus smashes into truck (I am on the bus). 3rd accident May 6th, 1983, car coming towards us, totals drivers side of car. Years of physiotherapy and massage therapy ensue. Pain meds, muscle relaxants, etc. 4th accident, May 1989, I am seven months pregnant when we are rear ended. 1st back surgery at age 40; 2nd back surgery, two years later. Both are failures. As of 2006, I am permanently disabled and unable to work. I suffer from chronic pain and chronic muscle spasms (I fall a lot), permanent numbness and tingling from the waist down caused by damaged nerves in back, sitting is extremely painful, add in degenerative disc disease, arthritis in all my joints & back, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, three bulging discs in my neck.

I am thankful for a very patient husband, and three kids who will do anything for me.

Life does go on, it is just altered.

I was born a redhead, but now I have to pay for it. My mind still works but my body hates me.


How To Quickly Thaw Frozen Peas and Corn

Dinner's ready to go and your peas are as cold as snow. Use this handy trick to defrost them in seconds.

How To Quickly Thaw Frozen Peas and Corn


She may go by the name Scatteredmom online, but Karen really is anything but scattered when it comes to the kitchen.  Churning out tasty treats within view of the Georgia Strait on Canada's west coast, Karen will hand you an organized weekly meal plan or teach you how to make meals from scratch.  As Mom to a teenage boy, she knows exactly what it takes to keep kids full and happy-which has really come in handy with her job as the Food Editor at Yummy Mummy Club.

A strong supporter of Food Revolution who has been endorsed by Jamie Oliver himself, by day Karen can be found working as a special education teaching assistant, running a kitchen and showing teenagers how to cook nutritious meals for themselves.  By night, when she's not chatting on Twitter and answering cooking questions,  she writes her popular blog Notes From the Cookie Jar, or posting mouthwatering recipes over at Chasing Tomatoes.  Not afraid to give her opinion and passionate about community, Karen spoke at Blissdom Canada 2010 and her writing has been published in Canadian Living magazine, as well as in various online publications. 

Follow Karen on Twitter @scatteredmom

Do you release your toddler from his car seat, turn to grab the grocery bags, and suddenly see your child darting across the parking lot? This is certainly a heart-pounding challenge that many parents face.

Stopping your young child from running away from you takes coaching, patience, and knowing when your child’s natural desires are taking over his ability to keep himself safe.

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How to Survive a 10-Hour Road Trip with Your Toddler (Tried and Tested)

Hint: It was prayers and Pinterest.

How to Survive a 10-Hour Road Trip with Your Toddler (Tried and Tested)

Britanie is an adventurer at heart stuck in an introvert’s body. Her days are spent juggling being a stay-at-home mom and working as a freelance book editor, indexer, and writer. Britanie loves sports, especially hockey, and finds herself desperately tying to relate to her daughter’s princess obsession (God help her). Her parenting motto is “we can eat pizza for breakfast if we say thank you to the chef.”

After years of helping others publish their stories, she hopes to spend some time taking the trusty red pen to her own writing. She hopes that writing about her parenting fails will be much more conducive to life with a toddler than contemplating misplaced modifiers.

peanut butter snail snack, kids snacks, creative snacks for kids, food art, over the top parenting, jen warman, comedy, giving up on parenting

Confession time.

I saw this image in my FB feed five seconds ago, and I got excited. "That's so cute! I want to try that." And then, point five seconds later I also thought, "What the hell am I thinking?"

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This Is What It Was Like to Be a Child In the 1940s

And the big difference between past and present generations

This Is What It Was Like To Be A Child In The 1940s

I grew up in the 40s without television to distract me or CNN to scare me. News didn’t travel as fast back then, so my parents and I were not traumatized by horrendous tales of kids being murdered or kidnapped when allowed outside unattended. 

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