
The MomShift By Reva Seth

Women Share Their Stories Of Career Success After Having Children

The secret to success. Isn't that what many of us want? We want the recipe, the formula, or the template to gain personal and professional success. Is it possible for a mom to attain career success after giving birth? Is there opportunity after maternity? According to Reva Seth and the over 500 women she interviewed the answer is yes! Read on to find out how you can win a copy of Reva Seth's The MomShift and join a Twitter chat with the special guest author.

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THE SPARK by Kristine Barnett

A Memorable and Remarkable Mother's Gift To Her Son

Jacob is a remarkable young man. He has a unique gift to share but his mother has also been a gift to him. Jacob's mother Kristine is the driving force behind his transformation from a child diagnosed with severe autism to a math and science prodigy at age 13. How did Kristine go from raising a child who experts deemed unreachable to celebrating and honing the skills of her son who is now considered a genius with an IQ higher than Einstein's?

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Everybody Has Everything By Katrina Onstad

What if in one moment your entire life changed?

Can everyone be a parent? What if you don’t have the typical 9 months to prepare? What if, one day, you unexpectedly find yourself the legal guardian to a 2½-year-old after his parents are in a tragic car crash? Could you cope?

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