
Breakfast Outside the Box: Two-Ingredient Banana Crepes

This super-simple recipe will become your new go-to!


When my Dietitian friend Tiffany told me about these two-ingredient, amazing-tasting pancakes (I call them crepes because they are thinner than most pancakes) that she's been making for breakfast, I was a bit skeptical. But whenever I hear of nutritious, easy, kid-friendly breakfast options, I'm all ears and I'm willing to try them out. So I did. And they are even more amazing that my friend let on. The kids thought they were the best pancakes they had ever had and this recipe has now become a staple in our house. 

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Breakfast Cereal Exposed: The Sugary Truth

Why your healthy "whole grain" choice might be equivalent to dessert in a bowl

Cereal is often the number one go-to breakfast choice for parents, considering it takes a mere 30 seconds to throw together and serve, and it is widely accepted by kids. After all, it's crunchy, fun to eat, and often sweet. In fact, cereal is a lot sweeter than most people realize, especially those cereals that are marketed to kids. What may seem like a healthy "whole grain" choice, may actually be the equivalent to serving your kids dessert for breakfast. 

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Six Healthy, Kid-Friendly Breakfast Ideas

Yummy breakfast ideas kids actually like.

As Moms, we all know how important breakfast is, both for ourselves and our kids. Having breakfast within an hour of waking up gives us the energy we need to start the day, kick-starts our metabolisms, helps us focus and concentrate all morning, and can even control our appetites and cravings all day, preventing unhealthy snacking later (especially when breakfast includes enough protein). This, in turn, helps us to reach a healthier weight.

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