
Recently, on her show, Ellen Degeneres spoke out against the seal hunt in Nunavut. The hunt has been a hot topic off and on with celebrities for years. From Pamela Anderson to Morrissey (who won't tour Canada because of it) and even Paul McCartney, the lack of understanding around the hunt has been hurtful and, in my opinion wrong. Killa Enaruk Strauss is an Inuit young woman who was disheartened by Ellen's flippant remarks against the hunt and, well, I'll let you see her perfect argument for yourself. 

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Has Your Taste In Pop Culture Changed?

What do you love, and what do you loathe?


Alyssa Milano and Cameron Diaz on Being Womanly

Fat shamers, beware, and ladies, think about your privates!

blissful moment with child

One of the reasons I think celebrities look so great is that they devote time and energy into bliss. You hear them say it all the time. And a lot of the time, upon hearing about these "blissful" life moments, many of us roll our eyes. But is it really so crazy? Taking time to do these three easy (and I mean it, easy) things, you may find your bliss, too. 

Taking time with our kids

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Celebrity Outs Himself on Reddit?

Hoax or Truth? I Just Don't Know

coming out on reddit

Last week, a supposed celebrity took to Reddit to post an anonymous thread and announce his closet homosexuality but didn't want to (obviously) reveal who he was for fear of losing his "leading man status." With the popularity of Reddit's AMA (Ask Me Anything) series, it seems plausible, but may not be probable. Here is the post in full:

I’m a well known American film actor and I’m a closeted homosexual.

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Celebrity Mums Who Went Au Natural

Water, drug-free, all-natural birthing mamas exist in celebdom, too!

So, I've been a bit quiet this last week, and for very good reason. Last Monday, we welcomed our second son into the world after an insane 19 hours of labour (for a second kid!). After what I assumed was a false labour Sunday night, Lachlan (Lauchie) David came roaring out around 9am Monday. I had Lauchie at home, with midwives and no drugs or other medical intervention.

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Lainey Gossip's Excellent TEDx Talk

On why gossip is good...and why we shouldn't be ashamed to love it

So, clearly, I love celebrity gossip. If I didn't, I wouldn't be writing all these posts, engaging with you guys. And I follow all sorts of other bloggers. From Michael K to Lainey Gossip. I also am a big fan of TEDx talks, and last month, as part of their move to Vancouver, TEDx invited Elaine Lui (of Lainey Gossip) to give a talk. I know what you are thinking — what kind of talk can a celebrity blogger give at a huge socio-scientific conference?

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