
So, I’m sitting at home bored because I thought I’d have a baby in my arms by now.


I was so good at keeping myself busy and distracted up until my due date, but now what?

The kitchen has been scrubbed, all my files are in order, and there is only so much trashy daytime TV

I can handle (which is usually 30 minutes worth) before I’m filled with a slothsome* guilt. 

*Yes, I made up that word, that’s how bored I am.

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I loved my second trimester. If I could high-five my second trimester, I would. We’d probably even have a secret hand-shake that ended with a fist pump. In fact, I wish I could take my second trimester on a date, that’s how much I loved my second trimester. Except we wouldn’t be able to have wine, and that would suck. But at least we could slow dance, and hold each other fondly—gazing into one another’s eyes...

*Insert happy-second-trimester-slow-dance dream sequence here*

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The First Trimester

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Alright Yummy Mummies, jump into your hot-tub-time-machines, and let me take you back to my first trimester...

The First Trimester:

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I am currently 33-weeks-pregnant and am eating Jelly Bellies at 9:29am. I had a bowl of Bran Flakes for breakfast, so I thought I’d counter that healthy choice with an unhealthy one. Life is about balance, after all!

Food choices aside, I’d like to take you back a couple of trimesters to the beginning of my pregnancy journey. So jump into my DeLorean as we time travel back to June, 2011...

* insert time travel sound effect here *

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