
The Internet Has Become My BFF

Meet my new friend Playtex Mommyville

Night-time feedings suck. There’s just no other way to put it. It’s no fun at all to be sleep-deprived and there is nothing appealing about constantly being woken up in the middle of the night.

But (FYI, there is always a but)….

I’m all about trying to make the best out of bad situations. Which is why I’ve figured out something that actually makes my night-time feedings much more pleasant. These feedings have become my time to read mommy sites online. Multitasking at its finest, obviously.

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The New Face of Crazy

Mommy Is My Favourite Word But.....

I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind. I’ve been cooped up in my house with both an easily upset newborn and a whiny toddler for far too long. I feel like either crying hysterically or laughing manically at the turn of a whim. I take a look in the mirror and have a feeling that this is what crazy looks like.

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