
Sounds Under Radio

A Rock Band Masquerading As An Unsigned Indie

'I don't know who these Sounds Under Radio folk are trying to fool, but that is a big-time rock 'n' roll band masquerading as some unsigned indie-emo whatsits' ~Entertainment Weekly

I first heard this band months back after a random late night viewing of the CW show, The Vampire Diaries...needless to say this Austin-based Britrock-esque trio had me hooked from the first listen.

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Dancing Kites

Women Giving Back

In 2009 a group of women on various life or career paths, most grandmothers, but not all, discussed the possibility of doing something unusual to raise a lot of money for the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

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Fitz and The Tantrums

Proof That There's Hope For Good Music

“Sometimes, the Music Gods just give it to you" ~Fitz

You know those songs that are so infectious that they instantly make you want to dance no matter where you are? (And cue me in the egg/yogurt/cheese aisle at Loblaws last week when this band came on over the speakers...yeah I was so close to starting a flash mob of spontaneous dancing but I digress).

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The CMAs

Steven Tyler and Carrie Underwood Walk This Way

The Academy of Country Music Awards took place last night and I've said it once and I'll say again Country knows how to put on one hell of a show.

One magical musical hook up from last night - Steven Tyler and Carrie Underwood doing 'Walk This Way' - they had way too much fun doing it - outstanding performance.


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Ben Lovett Spotlight

From Musical Scores To Debut Album

I first starting recording bands, giving people the impression I was an engineer, simply because I’d spent my college tuition on recording equipment. ~Lovett

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2011 CWC Awards

The 2011 Recipients

On Monday, April 4, 2011 the CWC Annual Awards Gala Dinner will take place at the Fairmont Château Laurier hotel in Ottawa.

Canadian Women In Communications is a national, bilingual organization dedicated to the career advancement of women in the communications and technology sectors through strategic networking, targeted professional development and meaningful recognition.

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Alexx Calise

Spotlight On The Entertainment Columnist Turned Rocker Chick

You know when you come across one of those songs that makes you want to pick up a hair brush and start belting out the lyrics...all while imagining your singing on stage? Like total rock star moment?

Well that's 'Break Me' by Alexx Calise. It also reminds me of a certain somebody I may or may not have dated. But I digress.

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Boyce Avenue In Concert

Are They Worth The YouTube Hype?

So two years ago I came across the band of brothers from Florida by the name of 'Boyce Avenue' after searching for the Rihanna 'Umbrella' video on YouTube. I was instantly hooked on their cover of 'Umbrella' and I've been following them ever since.

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