Joe Boughner: The Naked Dad

hell fire inferno

The Germans must have a word for it.

It's the feeling you get when you know you're locked into a battle of wills with a five year-old and you come to the sudden realization that you've gone over the edge. You go from wanting to find an amicable solution to wanting to win.  No, you don't just want to win. You want to win big. It doesn't matter that your opponent is your child - the one person in the world you devote your life to protecting. Because you're no longer a rational, loving parent.

You're an inferno of rage and indignation.

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The Most Useful Advice I Have for My Daughter

It's even more applicable than I first realized

Advice to my daughter

"Pay attention to what's happening around you."

It's advice I first offered my daughter when she was learning to walk. As toddlers are wont to do, she'd trudge along on her merry way, gleefully indulging in any and all distractions that came her way. This led to many trips, falls, and bumps as she missed seeing whatever obstacle might loom ahead.

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The Ultimate Metaphorical Mystery

Something different this way comes


There's nothing more intimidating than a blank page. It stares up at you and all you can do is just sort of start.

On the good days the words flow. Each sentence feels like a masterpiece. You barely pause between the carefully-crafted bits of prose. You amaze yourself with your ability to write a long sentence that somehow manages to compel the reader to finish; clause after clause nesting within themselves until you feel like it may never end.

Then it does.

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My Kid Wants a New Name & It's Giving ME An Identity Crisis

It's Okay She wants it changed but also sort of isn't

Note: For the purposes of this article, my daughter’s name is Rebecca. It isn’t, really, but we’ve tended to stay away from using her real name online and Rebecca is a reasonably suitable alternative for the issue at hand.
“She’s such a Becky.”
There’s something about my kid and that name that just seems to click. People meet her and agree that, yes, Becky is somehow the most appropriate possible name for her.

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Do You Hate Your Spouse?

If not, why do you act like it?

Bride dragging her groom to the alter but it's a cake topper.

Every couple is different. I get that. 

I mean, I don't expect every couple to geek out over scoring Kids in the Hall tickets or to gently mock one another's typos over IM. People are different. Relationships are different. S'all good. And hell, there's probably a lot of things Amy and I could do better. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all that.

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Loving Ode to a Cheap, Stupid Toy from The Dollar Store

We've been through some good times together, koosh ball


Nah, just kidding. This isn't an ode to a stupid little toy from some random dollar store. And do you know why? Because nobody loves those toys.


Yet they're completely freaking ubiquitous. They're everywhere. From rec centre vending machines to birthday party goodie bags, you can't go anywhere that parents typically go without a rubberized grabbing hand reaching out for you.

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How to Change Minds on the Internet

Hint: It's not always by being the loudest

As a heterosexual white man in his 30s, I often ask what I can do to help make the sorts of change that need to be made in the world. And time and time again, I'm told that bystander intervention is the key.

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Sitting at my daughter's intro-to-hockey program tonight I found myself watching one of the coaches. She was standing in the middle of a face-off circle while two or three of the kids skated around the circle. She'd call one of their names and the kid would attempt to pass their puck to her while continuing to skate. Then she'd pass it back.

I mentioned it was an intro to hockey program, right? Suffice to say, the passes were less than accurate. 

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I Don't Hate Winter But I Might Hate You

We're all in this together. So get over yourself.

In case you haven't heard, it's winter. 

Winter is one of those things that's easy to hate. It's the Nickelback of seasons. It's got a great big target on its back - which it hurt shovelling the goddamned driveway for the third goddamned time this week, by the way. From frigid temperatures to mountains of snow and slush, winter isn't particularly popular among those who endure its wrath.

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How This Family Grew Strong Roots in a Northern Town

Silliness, storytelling and an unbreakable bond - even 1000s of km away

"There's a town in North Ontario..."

One of the most remarkable things about getting older (and ostensibly though debatably wiser) is that you start to realize your childhood wasn't entirely typical - in that there's no such thing as a typical childhood. Everyone had different experiences and different influences. 

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How to Avoid Talking About Death with Your Kids

The time will come; the day of your birthday party isn't it

"Where are you going tonight, Daddy?"

You asked me because I was putting on a shirt with a collar - a rare enough occasion but especially since it was a Saturday evening. You told me I looked "fancy" and "handsome" and the smile on your face said you meant it. It had been a long day thanks in large part to your successful and over-stimulating fifth birthday party; we were all tired. You and mom had just ordered Swiss Chalet for dinner but I wasn't joining you. 

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In Praise of a Clean Slate: Let's Get 2015 Started

To bastardize the great LL Cool J, though, don't call it a resolution

Starting with a clean slate

I've never been much of a New Year's resolution guy. I'm big on incremental changes made throughout the year as circumstances warrant or demand. However, I'm also a creature of habit - patterns are a big part of my life - and it just so happens that the best time for me to make a change in my life is when I have a natural break in my patterns, usually when I take a week or two off of work.

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New Year's Eve - Before and After Kids

Oh, how things change after kids...

December 31. New Year's Eve. Out with the old, in with the new. Kisses at midnight and resolutions and all that jazz. For those about to rock, you don't need my salute. Your night is going to be crazy either way. But for those at home with kids, I present the following:

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How a Plastic Potato Made this Dad's Christmas

Star Wars Potato Mash Up Hits the Spot

First, let me tell you about my accidental collection. 

See, many years ago my wife bought me a Transformers Mr. Potato Head (Optimash Prime, to be precise). The Transformers were just making their comeback to pop culture relevance and I greeted this wave of nostalgia as I often do - hyperbolicious declarations of the superiority of the good ol' days of children's television.

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Is There Any Sound Sweeter than Kids Singing Carols?

The Naked Dad: Shamelessly exploiting his adorable daughter since 2010

The kid's school had its winter concert this week. Her class performed three songs and it was, as you'd expect, adorable.

One song in particular warmed my heart so I asked her to sing it again at home so I could share it with you. Shameless? Youbetcha. But this is what memories are made of folks, and technology today being what it is (read: readily available), I recorded it for posterity.

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Coffee snobbery: A pod brewer VS my trusty grind-n-brew

My name is Joe and I'm a coffee snob.

A few years ago I had my first taste of truly fresh (roasted that morning, ground just before brewing) coffee and it quickly became my caffeine delivery method of choice. At the time, my wife and I weren't quite as dependent as we are these days (read: we hadn't had a kid yet) and most of our coffee was consumed leisurely, either over a morning paper on a weekend or in a coffee shop. Taking a few extra minutes to grind the beans and make the perfect pot was part of the ritual.

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That Narrowly-Averted Crisis You Probably Didn't Hear About

A moderately dramatized retelling of a Saturday nearly gone wrong

child crying

It started as a Saturday like any other: the lingering under the covers, the procrastination that often comes when one has one's face buried in their device of choice. But soon the hands of the clock pushed us into action. Gymnastics class awaited.

We got dressed, fed, caffeinated (me, not her), and out the door like any other Saturday. We got into the car and drove to the low-density commercial-industrial-mixed zone that houses the kid's gymnastics club without incident. We even remembered her water bottle - my record for which runs a pretty solid .500 week to week.H

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Are We Seeing The World Change?

Watershed or not, the last few weeks have left and indelible mark

For those who have been abused I believe all of you

I want nothing more than to share a funny anecdote about my kid or write some funny and ironic top five list to make you all smile. 

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How To Be A Sports Fan Without Being An Ass

The Naked Dad's Guide to Progressive Trash Talk


I'm a fan. My wife's a fan. My kid? Yup. She's a fan too. We go to games, we watch on TV — heck we even listen to sports radio (well, I do. And the kid does by proxy when she's with me. Amy's not such a big fan). I grew up playing, watching, and loving sports and my kid is well on her way to doing the same. 

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