Children's Weight and Obesity |
Obesity is a real problem that often has its origins in childhood; but should kids know about it?
Girl Refuses to Do Her Homework |
An Indiana student refused to do her homework, and she wasn't afraid to say so in a spectacular and wonderful fashion.
Tara asked her child if they were being bullied, and her child indicated the kid at school wasn’t bullying them, they just obviously didn’t like them.
A Mother’s Plea to Parents of Boys: "I can’t do this on my own. I need your help." |
"I can’t do this on my own. I need your help."
Is excessive praise good for children |
Basically, once again, we've been doing it all wrong.
Syrian Refugee Children Have Opportunity for Summer Camp |
Syrian refugees have experienced their first Canadian winter, so let's show them what summer has to offer!
Tween Clothing Choices |
It doesn’t take much to trigger the agonized feelings associated with being a tween/teen girl.
We can tell our daughters every day that they are smart, beautiful, funny, and kind, but the goal is for them to hear it and most importantly, to believe it.