sixth birthday
A letter to my daughter on her sixth birthday. Please don't forget this magical age.
destroy marriage
Five years of disappointment, suppressed anger, and oppressed expression all rushed out me in a moment of temporary insanity. What was the moment you knew?
boob job is like adoptive family
What do you think? Does this video succeed in educating people about adoption questions or is demeaning to adoptees?
jackie hugging daughter
"So why do you want a black baby?" she asked, with the heartbreaking earnestness that only a black woman in post-apartheid South Africa could pull off.
jackie and stepson
Rule No. 1: It's not up to society, in-laws, ex-spouses, spouses, or anyone else to tell stepparents how they should conduct their step-parenting roles.
Lupita Nyong’o
This is not a message that should be limited to only black females. Sit down with your daughter and watch it today. It could change her life (and yours).
Kelly Wagner daughters
A mother's efforts to educate people on the mean comments she has received since adopting two girls from China has readers divided. Was she being exploitative?
love and hate
How many of these things do you love/hate and what would you add to the list?