keeping allergies in check during winter season
With cold weather on the horizon, you can expect to be indoors for much more of your time. Here are the top ten ways you can help prepare for winter allergens.
by: Alex Thom
Birthday party for kids with allergies
Birthday parties for most families are all about fun games, delicious treats and loot bags. Not ours.
McDonalds Allergies
New menu and policy changes re: packaging of nuts
safe trick or treating
Before you spend money on candy with nuts, read this. You may be surprised to know it's not going to kids, it's going directly to the garbage.
by: Alex Thom
Skin Testing for Allergy Oral Challenge |
How many other kids are out there living in fear of contact with foods they're not allergic to?
by: Alex Thom
Here's how SickKids is changing the lives of allergic children.
How Toronto's SickKids Hospital is making inroads in allergy management and treatment.
by: Alex Thom
Price increase in epipens |
The price of EpiPens in the U.S. has surged beyond all reason, even becoming too expensive for some to afford.
This past week, the National Institute of Health in the United States released new guidelines for introducing peanuts to infants.