
Entrepreneur Of The Week: Kimberly Ignas

Meet The Founder Of Appreciating Health

Entrepreneur Of The Week: Kimberly Ignas

Who: Kimberly Ignas, owner of Appreciating Health. Kimberly is a Holistic Nutritionist who proudly specializes in pre-conception, pre-natal, and post-natal nutrition for women right through to the introduction of solid foods for their babies and toddlers, as well as good food and good health for the whole family. 
In Business Since: 2012
Business Highlights: I work from home, I am a stay at home mom, and I am getting clients and writing the best articles I have ever written. I am also so proud of all the non-toxic products I am able to sell to better people’s lives. 
What challenges are you facing in your business? I’m trying to balance being at home and spending enough time with my son and getting into the market in this area. Specifically, I’m wondering how to get others (moms) to see the value of my services.
Spark’s Insights: In a business like yours, consumer education is a huge part of the process. New moms are inundated with information from many sources and are still left uncertain about what the best choices are for them and their babies. We’d recommend getting out and meeting moms where they are. Since you have a little one, there are lots of great opportunities for you to be among new moms, spreading the word about your services. There are many mom groups, fitness classes, and drop-in centers where you can give informal presentations and establish yourself as an expert. Everywhere you go, start the conversation about the importance of nutrition and how you can help families eat and feel better. Potential clients will see the value when they understand the depth of your knowledge and the potential benefits they can reap.
Kimberly’s Advice to Other Entrepreneurs: Set your prices and set your priorities and own them. It's really important for us to value our services and our time and energy spent, otherwise no one else will.
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