If you are PMSy and you think buying a penis shaped urn for your dining room is a good idea, you are hormonal. Back away from the sale rack slowly..
A Jedi wearing a leopard print tunic and hooker shoes walked into a mall. Nope, there's no punchline.
teaching kids about puberty and "the birds and the bees"
Spill it! When did you talk to your kids about the "birds and the bees" and how did your kids react to the conversation?
It's survival of the fittest when it comes to saying this sh*t to pregnant women.
No, it's not a movie by Steven Spielberg but you still don't want to let this sneaky bugger convince you to eat food after midnight
I loved my second trimester so much I wanted to take it out on a date where we would slow dance and gaze into each others eyes.
I'm just gonna put it all out there. I'm 43 and for the past three years my PMSing hormonal mood swings have increased exponentially,