If your dad works at an IT company and you ask him to fix your computer, it's probably not a good idea to talk trash about him on Facebook.
Men hardwired to nurture their offspring.
From being the guy who knew the best after-hours bourbon scene to a diaper slinging dude...where the hell did your cool factor go?
David Cameron has strong words for deserter dads on Father's Day.
I cried when both of my sons were born. That crippling, hunched over almost fall to your knees cry of relief. It wasn't happiness or sadness, it was just an exhale of emotion that burst out of me like a volcano.
Dad has more influence over kids' eating habits than mom.
This yummy daddy says he doesn’t have to look much further than his own Dad to find the elements that make a good, no, make that exceptional father.
by: Big Daddy
What would a sleep-deprived new dad say about his wife in public if a microphone was shoved in his face? This. Get ready to smile.