We, as a society, need to put an end to this. Read the heartbreaking note written by a 7-year-old girl that outlines her diet plan.
The mom who publicly shamed her daughter and forced her to lose weight is now making money from it with her new book, The Heavy: A Mother, A Daughter, A Diet.
Food Blogger Breaks up With Veganism - Jordan Younger has quit being vegan for health reasons, and her followers are furious. | YummyMummyClub.ca
Jordan Younger has quit being vegan for health reasons, and her followers are furious.
Instead of being afraid of becoming skeletally skinny like Valeria Levitin, many women are writing letters asking how they can become like her.
Be a part of the solution to stop photoshopping and sign this online petition.
You wouldn't encourage your child to try to make her feet smaller or body taller and you shouldn't encourage your growing and healthy child to lose weight.
What do you think? Is what Frankel did sending a bad message or was she just having a playful moment with her daughter?