Sarah Foster: Between Two Parents


Preparing for Your Christmas Due Date

How to get it all done if you're about to have a baby right before Christmas.

Have a holiday-season due date for your baby? Here's how to ensure that things still get done for Christmas. | 

I don’t know about you, but as a kid, I always felt bad about other kids who had their birthdays right near Christmas.

At first I thought it would be coolest thing in the world. I mean, your birthday AND Christmas? That’s two present holidays in a short amount of time. However, my friends who suffered from this soon let me in on a disturbing fact: Having a birthday near Christmas meant less presents, not more. Often. the two were bundled together.

It wasn’t the best thing ever. It was the worst.

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An Open Letter to the Newly Pregnant

The best advice about getting advice.

An Open Letter to the Newly Pregnant. Here's some advice about getting advice. | Parenting | Motherhood |

Dear newly pregnant mom-to-be,

We may not know each other, but I wanted to reach out to you as a formerly pregnant person myself.

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pregnant woman

I'm having a baby.

No, I mean I'm really having a baby. 

Being more than 30 weeks along now, I know this is something I probably should have realized a long time ago, but I didn't. It just didn't seem real.

During the first trimester, I was hesitant to get too attached in case we lost this one like we lost the last one. During the second trimester, it still felt like having this baby was a lifetime away, so there was no need to really prepare. But now that I'm in my third trimester? Holy crow, I'm having a baby!

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5 Must-Pack Items for Your Maternity Hospital Bag

Prepare for your very last trip as a pregnant woman

5 Must-Pack Items for Your Maternity Hospital Bag

When most moms-to-be enter their third trimester of pregnancy, two things cross their minds:

The first is: I can’t believe my third trimester is already here, and soon I’ll get to meet my baby.

The second is: I can’t believe I’m only in my third trimester. Part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant forever.

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Pregnant Meteorologist Fires Back at Critics

It's Sad, but sadly not surprising

pregnant meteorologist faces criticism

It's no secret that women who work on camera have it tougher than their male counterparts.

Men age gracefully, while women are pressured to keep looking young. A man with wrinkles is distinguished, while a woman with wrinkles is old.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to me then that pregnant women newscasters are often targets of vile, hate-filled comments about their appearance. It shouldn't surprise me, yet it does. It also makes me sad, both as a woman and a someone who is currently pregnant.

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making the decision to breastfeed or not

There are many things that have changed throughout the course of my life that I am amazed by.

The progress we've made in gay rights, equal pay for equal work, to name a few. There have been many things that have changed in my nearly 33 years, it's really remarkable to think about how different the world was "when I was a kid."

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sharing your pregnancy cravings

A curious thing came popped into my Facebook news feed recently: Photos of women posing with the foods they craved while pregnant (usually with a bare belly hanging out because hey, why not).

I did some poking around and apparently this is a thing pregnant women do nowadays.

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Baby Shower Ideas if You're Not Sure You Want a Baby Shower

You can still celebrate without all the trimmings

Baby Shower Ideas

It seems like the traditional baby shower is getting a bit of a bad rap, lately.

Even before I got pregnant, I saw a flurry of blog posts and discussions on Facebook and Twitter as to whether a shower should have been had by so-and-so celebrity.

Some “reasons” given as to why people shouldn’t have a baby shower:

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Moms-to-Be: What You Need to Know About Fifth Disease
Ever since getting pregnant, I have worked hard to be healthier. I’ve been watching what I eat (ahem, McDonald’s hashbrowns excluded from this), and how much of what I’m eating. 
It’s funny to me that it took pregnancy to make me a more health conscious person. But I guess that comes with the territory of becoming a mom. I’m looking out for my little one, even though it hasn’t arrived yet.
There are some things that are in your control as a pregnant woman, like what and how much you eat.

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Creative Ways to Announce You're Expecting

Special ways people have told their families (and the world) they're having a baby

Creative Ways to Announce You're Expecting

Shortly after we got pregnant, I began to think about the next big decision to make: 

How were we going to announce our pregnancy online?

It may seem silly, but the Internet and social media specifically, have really upped the game in terms of how you announce big life events. I'm not just talking about pregnancy here either; there's the engagement announcement, the wedding announcement, the new job. Well, you get my drift. 

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Pregnant? Don't Let Wedding Season Clothing Get You Down

The Search for a great dress when expecting

 How to navigate wedding season without breaking the bank when you have to dress to accommodate a growing belly.

It's June, which means summer wedding season is in full swing. 

I don't know about you, but I've already been to one wedding this year, and have two more planned (plus one more we've been invited to but can't attend as I won't be able to fly that late in my pregnancy). Those are just the weddings I've been invited to so far. I'm sure others may pop up. 

Figuring out what I'm going to wear to a wedding is usually a fun thing for me. Often, I use the excuse to go shopping for a new dress. 

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The Path to Parenthood: Keep Looking Forward

Our Past didn't have to be our future

After I lost the baby, it seemed easy to shrug off the loss.

“We weren’t that far along;” or “There’s a higher chance of miscarriage in first pregnancies;” or “We’ll try again.”

It was easy to convince everyone else, but a lot harder to convince myself.

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