
Celebrate with Beauty: BUSTED!

An Invitation Just for YMC Readers

daniel thompson logo

Five years ago, I launched Daniel Thompson Beauty.

When I started DTB, I only had one goal in mind: to create luxury cosmetics fashioned from nature's purest elements. I could not have imagined the response from women all over the country. The more I travel and meet DTB users, the more I am encouraged to keep creating new formulas and unique colour stories. For me, the most rewarding part of my job is seeing how much joy and pleasure my creations bring to everyday women.

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Jean Stilwell: Redefining Beauty

Opera Star and Radio Personality Speaks

Jean Stilwell

Oh my goodness—where did October go? I looked up and realized the whole month has passed by, and not a single post from me.

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Rae Ellen Bodie: Redefining Beauty

Voice Coach to the Stars (and me) Speaks

Part of my job requires me to speak in public. A few years ago whilst presenting to a large group, I lost my voice. I felt it actually strain and snap. Of course, what I had done was over used it and not supported it properly. After that experience I was introduced to the extraordinary talents of Rae Ellen Bodie.

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Art and Beauty

The DTB Intern Talks Artistic Inspiration

Many companies use interns. Emma, the Daniel Thompson Beauty intern, has very quickly proven to be a very valuable member of our team.

I am always so inspired by young people.  They see the world differently and, often, offer such fresh points of view that I am reminded how little I actually know.

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3 Very Common Make Up Mistakes

Avoid These Small Errors to Change Your Entire Look

There is no "correct" way to do a make up.  Make up, like anything in fashion, is a personal expression of style.  There are, however, some guidelines that are a good idea to follow when creating a personal look.  Just like putting a great outfit together creating a make up look that is polished and sophisticated is easy to do with just a couple of pointers.

Here is my top 3 list of common make-up mistakes that can detract from a great make up look:

1.  Over-extended lipliner.

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Autumn 2013 Make-Up Trends, Part 2

Daniel Thompson Beauty Mineral Artiste

Last night I had the pleasure of making my first personal appearance of the season.  To mark the one year anniversary of Terra20, in Ottawa, I was invited to speak on an experts round table for the show Experts on Call, which airs on CFRA580 radio, in the Ottawa market.  The episode will air Saturday, October 12.

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Mariette Sluyter: Redefining Beauty

The Voice of Daniel Thompson Beauty Speaks

Whenever anyone calls the Daniel Thompson Beauty offices our automated system kicks in with the lyrical sound of The Voice of Daniel Thompson Beauty.  I was asked, once, how we programmed such a realistic voice into our phone system.  What most people don't know is The Voice is a real person.  Years ago we enlisted the talents of a professional voice actor who perfectly personified everything we represent, as a company, in an auditory fashion.  She is, however, much more than just The Voice on our phones.  

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Many cosmetic ingredients have come under consumer scrutiny in recent years.  It has become incredibly difficult to navigate the wide array of claims of safety with so many ingredients being called into question.  In September I will be participating in a broadcast (stay tuned for air dates) discussing natural vs. synthetic ingredients in personal care products.  Of course I have said may times not all natural ingredients are the best choice and not all synthetics are the wrong choice when formulating cosmetics.

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Autumn 2013 Make-Up Trends

What's Hot This Season

Autumn 2013 is just weeks away and with its arrival comes all the new Autumn fashion and make-up trends.

Here is your sneak peek at what is going to be the "must have" items of the season.


The Fashion Lowdown:

1.  Risque, without revealing, fabrics

2.  Starkly pretty lines

3.  Tough, dark, and strong shapes

4.  Artisanal femininity

5.  Geometric precision in hemlines and shoulders

6.  Towering heels

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Karen Robinson: Redefining Beauty

One Actress Defies Convention

As a make-up artist I am very fortunate to work with a great many beautiful women. Over the last two decades I have met and provided make up services for some of the most talented and accomplished women in Canadian entertainment. My work has been seen on Louise Pitre, Anne-Marie MacDonald, Sarah Slean, Dawn Langstroth, Alyssa Palmer, Dione Taylor, Kimberly Seldon, Jean Stilwell, and Erica Ehm just to name a few.

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