Dan Thompson: Beauty Busted


Four More Cosmetic Sales Pitches That Are Fiction

Heard These? Yep They Are Nonsense.

The list of silly sales pitches is quite long.

Here are another four cosmetics sales pitches that are nonsense!

"The Ingredients Don't Really Matter"—FALSE!

The ingredients are all that matter. Usually this statement is followed up with, "The only thing that matters is how you feel when you use the products." To be fair there are some ingredients that are worth ignoring—these are usually the ones listed on the front of the box or jar—you know the ones that sound very impressive or scientific in nature. These actually don't matter at all.  They are usually just made up marketing words to give the product an air of credibility.  The only ingredients that should be considered are the ones on the back of the box and these are very important.  Basic rule is that it is not what is included that is critical but what is not included.  Often cosmetics are made with lots of filler, slip agents, dyes, perfumes, and alcohols and all of these will have adverse effects on the skin—avoid them.


"Our Products Hold International Patents —MEANS NOTHING!

To secure a patent all a company has to do is prove they are using an ingredient or packaging concept in a unique way.  There is no burden to prove that the unique nature of the product in any way improves the quality or efficacy of the product.  Often the patents are held on the fragrance compounds as these are considered "unique, proprietary, and trade secrets" which can receive a patent to protect the marketability of the products.  Sometimes a patent is issued on the way the packaging is designed which has nothing to do with the formula. No one can get a patent on a specific raw ingredient.


"Your Skin Will Grow Resistant To Your Brand. It Is Important To Change Brands Every Season."  —FALSE!

This is a pitch that has been used for years.  Simple truth is the skin is in a constant state of change and cosmetics ingredients are not that different from brand to brand.  With the skin's ever changing nature the same products will behave differently all the time thus providing a changing result every day.


"If You Purchase Today I can Create a Special Gift Just For You." —MISLEADING!

Every major cosmetics company offers samples, deluxe samples and free products to consumers everyday of the week. Sometimes these freebies are obviously advertised (during annual gift with purchase promotions) but they are always available to the salesperson to offer to customers. As a matter of principle you should never buy a product, from a major cosmetics brand, without some freebies thrown in. If the sales person is "making a special gift" just for you they are simply using these free samples that are available to all customers with every purchase.