The state of my underwear drawer was the perfect metaphor for how I felt about myself and my sexuality – basically, one big mess.
Is the We-Vibe a bedroom purchase or a pass? Find out how it was rated and why men will like it too.
Intimacy has been shifted to my baby and I need to recreate it with my husband. Time to try a sexy board game called Embrace.
Connecting with your partner isn't always about having sex. Read how a warm oil massage leaves this sex expert drooling.
A woman's vagina can go into a menopausal-like state when she's breastfeeding due to certain hormones being suppressed. Find out what you can do to help.
It’s incredibly hard to have great sex when complicated emotions get in the way because sex is so much more than sticking a penis inside a vagina.
Will a liquid herbal supplement really help a mom feel like having sex after a day entertaining two kids?
I decided to treat my husband to a full-on sex-capade and chose this toy to do it because men love anything that makes their penis look good.