Dinner Time Matters to Family

Why You Should Make Time To Enjoy Dinner With Your Family

by: Jessica L
Family Dinner

Our lives are busier than ever. When we're not earning a living, we're running around town taking care of errands. And after we finish our errands, we spend what little time remains doing chores and handling odds and ends around the house. With so many things on our plate, enjoying dinner with our families each night seems like a luxury—one that might seem difficult to justify.

But there are a lot of advantages to making the time. You, your spouse, and your kids stand to reap numerous benefits that can pay off now as well as down the road. Below, I'll describe some of the reasons to set aside the time to enjoy dinner with your family on a regular basis. You may find it's one of the best investments you can make.

A Great Way To Unplug From The Day's Pressures

Your job likely causes you stress, even if you don't notice it throughout the day. Doctors have known for years that stress can remain hidden, yet manifest itself through aches and pains, a greater susceptibility to disease and illness, and increased irritability. If you lack an outlet through which to release the stress, it can slowly build until life itself becomes unpleasant for you and your loved ones.

Sitting down with your family each night and sharing a meal is a great way to unplug from the pressure. It can help take your mind off your work, allowing you to relax and release some of the tension. Over the long run, you might even become more productive due to feeling less stress. An article says that Madison, Wisconsin is one of the US cities with the happiest moms due to the convinience of the thriving farmer’s market where the moms can shop various food and prepare dinners to their families.

Your Children Can Develop New Tastes

Research has shown that young children often begin to enjoy foods more when they are given greater exposure to them. This dynamic can help you to introduce new dishes or items to your kids' diets. For example, are you wondering how to get your children to enjoy their cauliflower? Simply include it in their meals each night. There's a good chance they'll slowly develop a taste for it. The key is to remain patient and be consistent.

You Can Keep Tabs On Your Loved Ones' Food Intake

It's difficult to know what your family is eating if they don't prepare their meals at home. If they're constantly buying fast food, their meals are likely high in fat, high in calories, and practically devoid of important nutrients. That can have a disastrous effect on their long-term health. It can also set the stage for weight gain and obesity.

When your family enjoys a meal you've prepared at home, you can influence the types of foods they consume. You can also monitor their portions and prevent them from eating twice as much as their bodies need. They'll enjoy better health now and later.

Your Family Will Eat Healthier Foods

There's one thing you can count on when it comes to unhealthy food: it's addictive. Once we start eating pizza, lasagna, and other high-calorie, high-fat foods, we develop an appetite for them. We tend to want them on a regular basis. Fast food is particularly problematic because it's so convenient. It's easier to grab a quick meal at the drive-thru window than prepare a meal at home.

You can curtail this nasty dietary trend—or, at least hamper it—by making the time to eat dinner with your family each night. They'll be less likely to go through the drive-thru, and as a result, less likely to develop a persistent craving for junk.

Healthy Kids Tend To Show Restraint In Their Consumption

Ensuring your family eats healthy dinners provides long-term benefits. This is especially true for young people who tend to develop self-control in other areas of their lives. For example, studies show that kids who eat dinner with their families throughout the week are less likely to become ensnared by illegal substances (drugs, alcohol, etc.). They are also less likely to consume junk food and sugary snacks on a regular basis.

Meanwhile, young people who are allowed to practice poor dietary habits early in their lives often continue eating unhealthy foods in adulthood. Unfortunately, the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is to change the habit.

Eating At Home Gives A Boost To Your Bank Account

In addition to helping your spouse and children live healthier lives, there is also a financial incentive to preparing dinner at home: you'll save money. Eating out carries a higher cost than fixing meals at home. A family of four can realistically expect to save thousands of dollars each year by avoiding the fast-food chains and quick-serve restaurants. Healthier meals can usually be prepared with ingredients purchased from the grocery store for a much lower cost.

There are many benefits to having dinner at home with your family. If you're not currently doing so, consider making it a part of your evening routine. You'll have an opportunity to enjoy your family's company on a regular basis. You'll also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing they'll eat foods that lead to better health down the road.

A mom of two, also an Examiner.com author about personal finance, real estate and investment. Life has never been this happy with two lovely kids.