There's a big difference between food allergies and food intolerances, and the distinction is imperative. Here's how to tell the difference.
by: Alex Thom
Don't forget your EpiPen
A teen died of an allergic reaction on a busy street in Ireland in front of her horrified mother after a meal at a Chinese restaurant.
by: Alex Thom
surface allergen removal survey
A new formulation has been developed that is effective at removing trace amounts of nut allergens from surfaces. Now the team who developed it needs your help.
by: Alex Thom
pile of nuts
A recent study published in the JAMA Pediatrics claims that children whose mothers ate nuts while pregnant are less likely to have a nut allergy.
7 things you need to stop saying when it comes to other kids with allergies.
This mom's going nuts about nuts—specifically some oak trees located at her children's school which she feels goes against the nut-free policy set in place.
Six steps to create a spectacularly scary (and safe) Halloween and a chance to win peanut-free treats for your whole street.
by: Erica Ehm
Lynne Glover and her daugher Elodie
The mother states that her daughter's school discriminated against her daughter and failed to protect her from life-threatening allergens.
by: Alex Thom