I'm going to change the conversation at my house and start focusing on more than appearance. Will you join me?
I Am Beautiful video
Our daughters soak in everything we do and say. Make it a priority to watch this video with your daughter today and let her know we are all beautiful.
by: Erica Ehm
How to Host a Very Special, Confidence Boosting, Girls-Night-In Party
A simple and fun way to inspire confidence in girls and become a mindful mentor...and yes, cookies are involved.
Spend time with your children by teaching them how to knit and crochet with these kits that make it simple.
To celebrate three years of blogging with YMC I'm giving a prize pack that's good for your soul.
By teaching mothers and daughters to stop waging war on their bodies, we can create a new breed of women who flourish in self-acceptance.
What does it take to love another person for the rest of your life? Find out in this new bestselling novel you need to read.