6 ways to protect your family from viruses and infections
A doctor's advice on the six most important things you can do to avoid bringing illnesses into your home this year and beyond.
Ever wonder what an amnio feels like? Dr. Dina talks about her experience and why she chose to have one. Have you had an amnio? What was your experience?
Unless you've been prescribed bed rest, there's some real benefits to making sure you keep exercising.
What would you do if you were in this situation?
The exercise that can help you heal after delivery, prevent urinary incontinence, and keep hemorrhoids at day and nobody will ever know you're doing it.
Calling all pregnant moms: Here's how to respond when your young child asks how a baby got in your tummy.
5 Reasons Why You Need to Vaccinate Your Children
She is both a well-educated doctor and a loving mother. Here's why this pediatrician wants all kids to be vaccinated.