This was the best Father's Day I've had in the decade that I've been practicing. There's something special about the simplicity of it all.
advice from dad
From swinging fists to what really counts in life, this is the best advice our YMC team ever received from their dads.
Despite my attempts to warn parents about the dangers of girls doing science, it seems the people at TVO are hell-bent on encouraging this risky behaviour.
For the first time in my life, I've made a career change based on what it means for my family. Have any of you ever done this?
Parents, you are either for this or against it. I trust you'll choose wisely.
For me, tears are never a sign of weakness. Instead they are a testament to the strength of a man who carries the joy and pain of the people he loves.
Moms, have you ever freaked out like this because dad was taking care of the baby?
Sometimes the worst of times can turn to the best of times in the blink of an eye.