The Little Communist Who Never Smiled
The truth behind the fairy tale of Romanian Gymnast Nadia Comaneci, "The Little Communist Who Never Smiled" is a must-read.
Etta and Otta and Russell and James |
This is your first 'must read' of the summer and it's going to take you back in time and suspend reality.
I grew up loving books. I was fascinated by them. I read everything I could get my hands on. And then I stopped.
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If you enjoy snipits of stories that allow you to see into the lives of other mothers - and martinis - you're going to want to read this book.
If your kids love Blue's Clues and Horton Hears a Who, you're going to want to purchase this new book by Todd Kessler.
If a picture is worth a thousand words then this book is priceless, especially when those pictures speak right to a mother’s heart.
Toxin Toxout: How to Rid Harmful Chemicals From Your Body
Win a copy of this must-have guide to understanding the effects of toxins in our bodies and how you can get them out.
I am very much of the mindset that we should be open with our children about their bodies and about puberty.