Tried-and-True Tips and Tricks for Parents of Picky Eaters

Tired of trying to get your fussy eaters to eat? Then you need to watch this!

Tried-and-True Tips and Tricks for Parents of Picky Eaters | YMCKids |

Parents, do you spend hours in the kitchen making meals, snacks, and school lunches only to have your kids fuss about them? If this sounds familiar, know that you're not alone! I'm right there with you!

All three of my kids are unique in their food pickiness. One loves fruit—but only if it is baked. Try and get her to eat a fresh apple off the tree and it's akin to torture.

My middle daughter was always our best eateruntil things changed and she suddenly wasn't. She started rejecting mushrooms and it was a slippery slope from there and now we never know what she will love or refuse. 

Then there's my son. Honestly, I'm surprised he's still alive considering what he does (or doesn't) eat on a regular basis. Apparently you CAN survive on cucumber and cheese. Who knew?

But after 12-years of parenting these picky eaters, I've come up with a few tricks of my own. I put together a video to show some of the things we do at MY house so I can feel good about what my kids are eating—maybe you'll find something that will work for your family:

I'd say these ideas are more creative than anything, what do you think?

Try some of our tips and see if it helps YOU to get your picky eaters, eating! Just be sure you have your dinner made before you dim the lights! Eating in the dark is one thing, cooking in the dark comes with a whole mess of trouble! And long-live gummy treats!

A blogger, publisher and private consultant, Julie works on amazing projects all designed to support and nurture creativity, a positive lifestyle and viable business practices.

A true believer of the win-win-win philosophy, Julie's goals are to create rewarding opportunities that benefit all of those involved.

A mom of 3, living an idyllic rural life on Salt Spring Island, Julie balances life, family and feeding the chickens, while blogging at As the publisher of BLUNTmoms, she gets to work with AMAZING writers and women from around the globe, and as a consultant and coach, she spends her extra work hours helping others define their brand and their business. 

With a slight chicken fetish, and a love of Gardening, she is part "homesteader" and part "digital master" . . . making rural cool and digital businesses accessible to all!