
Working My Way Through "Mat Leave"

Am I Crazy To Think I Can Have It All?

Here I am almost three months into baby Fiona's life.

So far, I've managed to keep my freelance writing and editing business running, pay all of my monthly expenses (including daughter #1's daycare tuition) and maintain my sanity (more or less, depending who you ask).

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The First 21 Days Of Fiona Rose

Contemplating The Pace Of Life WIth A New Baby

Twenty-one days ago, in what proved to be an extremely intense and very fast labour and delivery (two hours start to finish), I went from being the mom of one little girl to a mom of two. It was only 21 days ago, but in some ways it feels like a lifetime. Fiona Rose has been the ideal second child. She sleeps better than her older sister ever did (or does). She rarely cries. And, so far (and I say this knowing that things change very quickly with newborns!) she’s the type of baby all first-time moms long for…but few get.

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