Mummy Buzz


Using Volleyball's Best Assets As Ad Space

British Beach Bums

British beach volleyball stars, Zara Dampney, 24, and Shauna Mullin, 26, have literally sold their asses to corporate sponsors by allowing them to advertise on the back of the duo's bikini bottoms.

This novel form of advertising made its debut in the pre-Olympics test matches held in London recently.

Apparently when fans take a picture and enter on the sponsor's website the Quick Response (QR) code printed on the stars' behinds, they can score a deal.

"As far as we're aware this is the first time QR codes have been used in in-play sports advertising," the sponsor told the Daily Telegraph, "and what better way to test its effectiveness than by putting them on one of the places that is likely to get photographed the most."

Has the advertising world sunk to a new low? Should some parts of the body remain sacred from branding, or is everywhere fair play in professional athletics?
