Mummy Buzz


3D Printed Fetus: Cool or Creepy Keepsake?

Something to coo at on the mantlepiece

When my son was born seven years ago, 3D ultrasounds were all the rage. As with all newish tech, the pricey ultrasound was justified by the giddy, indulgent first-time parent. Actually, it was worth every penny to take home an image (and DVD!) of my son that didn't look like a 2D alien but a real, soon-to-be hatched baby.

Tech has moved on significantly since then. You can now bring that baby to life on a 3D printer well before your due date. And you can take home a plaster cast of your very own fetus to plant on the mantle and to gaze upon admiringly until the real thing comes along (and the replica grows furry with dust).

The 3D mini-baby doesn't come cheap. The UK company Baby:Boo charges around £400 ($800) for the full, eight-inch monty. But a mere £170 ($350) gets you a bust of just the head and shoulders. 

Still, you can bet parents are lining up to take one of these pint-sized sculptures home. I admit, had this been around seven years ago, I probably would have bought into the trend, too. 

I'm kind of glad the 3D babe wasn't available back then because I'll be honest: I'm severely allergic to dusting, and I've always been creeped out by those porcelain Pierrot dolls. Not to mention the likes of Annabelle and Chucky... The last thing I want is to be freaked out by my own unborn baby.

But maybe that's just me, and this trend is no different than having a cast of, say, a newborn's foot or hand... 

If you have pregnant friends, though, don't be taken aback if one of them suddenly thrusts a teeny baby model into your hands and expects you to coo. Whatever you do, don't scream and don't drop it. 

 RELATED: Mom Trend: The Ultrasound Party