Mummy Buzz


Car Accident Saves Boy's Life

An Amazing Piece of Luck

Life really does throw some screwballs sometimes. If I hadn't stepped on his foot, my husband wouldn't be the luckiest man alive! And if a British schoolboy hadn't been hit by a car, he may not be alive today. (I'll wait here while you read that sentence again.)

When eight-year-old Liam Taylor was knocked off of his bicycle, he was out cold and suffered memory loss. As a precautionary measure, doctors ordered a brain scan, wherein they discovered a tumour they believe would have killed him within two weeks. 

According to an article in the UK Sun, the youngster underwent a seven-hour surgery at Sheffield Children’s Hospital to remove the malignant growth. Had the tumour not been found, the boy would have likely suffered a stroke or paralysis. 

“If Liam had not had the accident he might not be with us today—it was an amazing piece of luck,” said his mother Sharmane.

With Liam now released from hospital and on the road to recovery, his mother has asked police to try to track down the driver of the car—not so she can take legal action against him but "so we can send them a card to thank them for saving my lad’s life.”

Stranger than fiction, isn't it?