
TextPlus Scare

Sharing Too Much Information

As parents, we naturally worry about the safety of our children. As they get older, it seems there is more to worry about. I suppose that’s because as they get older, they are allowed to do more.

Our oldest is 12 and has her own cell phone, so that we can be in touch with her when she goes out with friends. She has her own computer and we set up a Facebook page for her.

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Race Relations At Home

History Rears Its Ugly Head

Over the holidays, I wasn’t well. Thankfully, the flu was kind enough to wait until after Christmas to hit, but there were a couple of days when I was down for the count. As unpleasant as it was, it did give me some much needed rest, and allowed me some time to read. 

I have been eyeing the book The Help, wondering when I would ever get a chance to read it. As chance would have it, my mom loaned me her copy the day before I got sick.

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I Love You, Mummy

Words To Warm A Mother's Heart

A few weeks ago, Tom and Ethan walked into my mom’s house to pick up Siobhan and she ran to Ethan and said “I love you, Ethie”, clear as day.

It was the first time she said I love you despite some prodding from various people. One thing I can tell you for certain, Siobhan does everything on her own time and there is no getting her to do something she doesn’t want to do.

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Last Christmas was Siobhan’s first Christmas, and while it was very special, this year was the best Christmas yet!

I stressed about Christmas right up until Christmas eve because I was so behind schedule. I thought I would never finish my shopping, and I worried things wouldn’t be perfect, like I always do. I know this stress is self inflicted, but I can’t help it.

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Christmas Carols Shouldn't Be Sad

How to write a Christmas Song That Doesn't Suck

Dear Song Writers,

If you are planning on writing a Christmas carol, there are a few things you should consider. I have gone ahead and made some guidelines to help you make a good Christmas carol.

1. It should not involve abused children.

2. Exes should not meet and drink beer in a parking lot.

3. No-one’s mother should die

4. As a matter of fact, no-one should die.

5. Don’t ask Bruce Springsteen to sing it

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Stocking Stuffer Ideas

The Best Part Of Christmas

The stockings are not hung by the chimney with care at our house yet, nor is the tree up. There is no holiday baking stashed in my fridge, no presents are wrapped. For that matter, I have only half of my gifts purchased, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Christmas is less than a week away.

The one thing I do have done is stocking stuffers. You know why? Because stockings are the best part of Christmas!! They hold the coolest items and are the most fun for Santa’s helper (me) to take care of.

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I was browsing the Browns Shoes website, and it reminded me of this poem that I wrote a few years ago. Seemed timely, so I thought I would share.


T'was the weekend before Christmas and all through the mall
all the crazies were shopping and starting a brawl.
The sale signs were hung in the window with care.
You can get a good deal, go in, if you dare.

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Recently, while driving to work and listening to The Dean Blundell Show, the discussion turned to Bronies—grown men who enjoy watching My Little Pony. 

At first I thought this was a little creepy, but then I did a little research. It turns out the developer of My Little Pony, Lauren Faust, is known for writing kids' shows that have adult appeal and intentionally set out to create an animated show that could be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

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Okay, it’s time to stop with all the coddling, and hovering, and helicoptering. Give your kids some space! Let them be kids.

We are stealing their childhood.

Sure there need to be rules. Don’t talk to strangers, look both ways before you cross the street, don’t hit your sister, don’t hit your brother... I don’t care if he hit you first, don’t throw balls in the house, and don’t play with balls on the playground... what?

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