
A Fond Farewell

It's Not Good Bye; Just See You Later

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye. I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye. Goodbye! —The Sound of Music

Just over three years ago, I was watching American Idol (you know, the good ole days when Simon Cowell was still there), and I was tweeting. Sending random (often snide) comments into the abyss we know as the Internet and hoping someone would respond.

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I have spent the last week with a perma-smile. I just can’t shake it. Not that I really want to, but how smug is that?

Every time I talk about quitting my job, or someone congratulates me, I am grinning ear to ear. My boss must think that I hated my job just by how much I love that I have quit. I will say this though, my boss has been great about it.

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