
Olivia Wilde's TMI Moment

How personal is too personal for you?

Olivia Wilde, an actress and model (and fox) was married very young (at 19!) to an Italian prince and mega millionaire. They divorced in 2011. She began quietly dating Jason Sudeikis (who has dated Jennifer Aniston and January Jones in the past) earlier this year, and the other night, at an event hosted by Glamour Magazine, Wilde said the following about the end of her marriage to her Italian husband:

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Ruby Skye PI Season 2 Premieres Wednesday

Tweens solve mysteries with edutainment and a charitable twist

Ruby Skye PI is an online-only show for tweens and teens where the titular character has to solve a mystery that spreads out over the course of the entire season with the help of her younger sister and some surprising clues/characters. I had a chance to chat with the show's writer-producer, Jill Golick about the show's second season, what makes Ruby so special and their special connection to the I'm Just a Girl campaign for season two. 


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Two Confusing Relationships

Musicians! What are they thinking?

Two little tidbits came across my desk this week and they're both weird to me for different reasons. 

The first one, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Kimye. Something about this coupling is amazing. I love these two basket cases together. Especially after Kanye's Amber Rose years ("Imma let you finish..."), I think Kim is the perfect partner for Yeezy. 

This week, Kanye deleted ALL his tweets (his tweets are epic) and left us with this:


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Who Are You Calling Fat?

Celebs are embracing their bodies more and more.

Fat is a word that's been thrown around a lot in the last few weeks—especially in relation to two of today's hottest singers.

First, Lady Gaga's weight was called into question as she's put on a bit of weight. At first, she admitted she'd gained some weight and said, "who cares?" (I'm paraphrasing) However, she didn't want to leave it at that and last week, she poured her heart out to us, explaining that she has been bulimic and anorexic since she was 15 years old. Not that she WAS, that she IS.

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Introducing Canadian Country Singer Kira Isabella

Welcoming the New Kid on the Block is Easy When She's This Talented

This has been a huge year for 19 year old singer Kira Isabella. Her new album is coming out very soon, she's won a number of awards, and she's about to go on tour with one of her idols. I had a chance to speak to her earlier this week and was blown away by her poise, her demeanor and her kindness. This girl's star is on the rise, and even if you aren't a big fan of "country," her music is genre-crossing and you'll hear her on commercial radio very soon. 

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P!nk: Breastfeeding's New Celebrity Champion

Proud mama stands up for her right to breastfeed in public

Maybe it's an American thing? I have never been met with very much resistance to breastfeeding in public—and I still do, when necessary, breastfeed my 19-month-old son in public. Without a cover! 

But recently, singer P!nk was breast feeding (with a cover) in a restaurant her infant daughter when a man walked by and made a disgusted, twisting face while moaning, "uggh." (according to the singer)

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ParaNorman's Gay Jock

A step in the right direction that's been (mostly) ignored.

I'm sure a whole whack of you with tweens saw this summer's awesome 3D/stop motion kids feature ParaNormanThe story is about a little 11-year-old boy who can speak to the dead and an adventure he goes on with his sister, best friend and hunky Mitch in order to save his town from ghosts and ghoulies who want to eat every one of the town's inhabitants. 

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Emmy Wraps for 2012

Boring show with a few surprises

Friends. I have the plague. First the boy had it, now I do. But I still managed to catch a good chunk of the Emmys (after my stylist coloured my hair purple). When I finally tuned in, it seemed BORING. 

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Ah the Emmys. Television's finest. I wrote all about some of the standout nominees earlier in the summer, but the big night is upon us this Sunday, September 23!

This year's awards are being hosted by Mr. Jimmy Kimmel, so there's probably going to be some questionable antics but I'm most excited for the unpredictable stuff—what everyone is wearing and who says what when they win (if they win!). 

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Duchess Kate Nude on Film

Who is to blame; the paps or the royal couple?

So, by now, I'm sure you've all heard about the photos snapped of a topless Catherine Middleton while at a private (and secluded) home on vacation in France. They were published by some French publications as well as an Irish one. The Royal family was enraged.

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