
After my last post about what to do after a car accident, I received questions about what information is relevant to take down at the scene. FineLine Collision provides a Collision Handbook to their clients that lists what should be (at the very least) recorded at the scene. 

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Auto Insurance Clarity

Misconceptions about Ontario auto insurance

There are some people in my life who think that talking about insurance is taboo. To talk about insurance is to say with certainty that something bad is going to happen. Well, I like to be prepared and let’s face it, insurance is important to cover the ‘what ifs’ in life. I sat down with Fraser Wilkinson, Insurance Broker with Deeks Insurance, to talk auto insurance in Ontario and here are some interesting things I found out.

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What You Need to Know Before Lending Your Car

Keep in mind the impact on your auto insurance

Ever been in a situation where you wanted to lend a car to a friend, or needed to borrow someone’s car just to run an errand? I spoke with Fraser Wilkinson, Insurance Broker with Deeks Insurance, who reminds me that we are ultimately responsible for lending the car to someone who can be trusted with the care, custody and control of the vehicle. 

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