
Beyonce at the Super Bowl: More Ass Than Kick-Ass

We should be speaking about her voice, not her clothes

I hadn’t been particularly focused on Beyoncé’s Super Bowl performance except that I happened to catch it being re-watched on YouTube by the teenager on my couch. She would not likely have been focused on Beyoncé’s performance either except that there was buzz about it, and kids have exquisitely fine-tuned antennae when it comes to buzz.

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Speaking To Our Children About The Unspeakable

Here are nine ways to help your child cope when tragedy unfolds


“She said, “If people are going to keep doing that, I wish I’d never been born.

I sat on the floor and held her tightly to keep my own spirit from draining through the soles of my feet. I don’t know what other mothers say at such moments; … But my children have never been people I could lie to. My best revenge against all the dishonesty and hatred in the world, it seems to me, will be to raise right up through the middle of it these honest and loving children.”

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