
A to Z of Taming Tantrums: R is for Routines

Use routines to reduce power struggles and increase cooperation!

Use routines to reduce power struggles and increase cooperation! This episode is about the letter R, and R is for Routines. | Parenting | YummyMummyClub.ca

Hello! Welcome back to the A to Z of Taming Tantrums video series. This video is about the letter R, and R is for Routines.

“The unknown” is one of the most fearful things for people—it’s even more stressful than taking a driver’s test or public speaking!

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When Your Child Has Many Tantrums

Questions to ask yourself when your child just keeps melting down.

screaming child

I recently asked the parents on my Facebook page to share their biggest challenges. Many parents explained that tantrums and the crazy-making behaviour of young children was the hardest thing for them right now. Yes, I too have cut "the wrong end of the freezie" so I understand what crazy-making means!

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A Day In The Life Of A "Parenting Expert"

How I get myself through the toughest days

So how do the kids of a psychotherapist and trained parenting educator act? Well, if you were at my house today, you’d see a raging three-year-old kicking me, calling me “stupid” and you’d be pouring me some tea and providing a shoulder for me to cry on.

My day today consisted of many crying spells. I’m not too sure why but every time my son threw something, I broke into tears. Maybe there is a threshold for how much aggressiveness and back-talking a parent can take, and I’ve just tipped over that.

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