Make every hour of your day a happy hour by doing this one simple thing.
It's not the sort of thing you would feel and it's certainly not something you can see, but it can damage your body and even kill you.
Shedding a little (sun)light on some of the many myths about sun exposure, tanning, and your family's health.
Want to give your guy a Father's Day gift that matters? Share this with him—it could save his life.
It's time to grab a plane to Paris or take a break on the beaches of Hawaii--doctor's orders.
Put on your happy face! After analyzing 160 studies on the effects of happiness and your health, it's shown happier people really do live longer.
The four therapies that will get rid of the guilt about a day at the spa. It's for the good of your health.
Too much stress for a pregnant woman is harmful for her developing baby. Take this short test to see if you have excessive stress and how to fix it.