How to Host a Very Special, Confidence Boosting, Girls-Night-In Party
A simple and fun way to inspire confidence in girls and become a mindful mentor...and yes, cookies are involved.
Anxiety In Girls: How This Mom Is Changing the Conversation
A night filled with confidence and self-esteem boosting activities, this is a party that is life changing for girls.
We can tell our daughters every day that they are smart, beautiful, funny, and kind, but the goal is for them to hear it and most importantly, to believe it.
Raising Confident Girls in a Judgemental World
Not 3 seconds after my daughter entered the world, the nurse exclaimed, “she’s a big girl!” And with that, a lifetime of being judged on her appearance began.
How to Show Our Daughters What True Confidence Really Means
I work hard to inspire confidence in my daughters for all that they are, not just what they look like. Part of that comes from modeling confidence.
Self Esteem in Tweens is Beautiful
Our daughters are inundated with messages about unrealistic physical perfection but there's a way we can change the picture.
by: Erica Ehm
Fashion retailer Lane Bryant launches #ImNoAngel "Real Bodies" campaign. Are we done yet?
When did this obsession with looks over accomplishments overtake our society? We're Speaking Out So No One Ever Says Things Like This to My Daughter | YMCBeauty |
When did this obsession with looks over accomplishments overtake our society? 
by: Erica Ehm