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Jennifer Derzaph is Principal and Lead Maternity Strategist at Modern Planning.

Her passion for helping families began with a career as a Child and Family Counsellor. A strong curiosity in health and wellness moved Jennifer to the pharmaceuticals industry, where she cultivated her presentation skills in various sales settings. Her strength in training and motivating others enabled her to develop several courses on planning and presentation for the many non profit organizations she has been involved with over the years. 

In 2010, Jennifer paired her knack for strategy and passion for family by launching Modern Planning. Modern Planning brings the efficiency of strategic plans used in professional settings to your role as a parent. 

About my kids: 
Mr Magoo (aptly named for his resemblance at birth to the cartoon character) is nearing his first birthday. He's hilarious, bold and full of opinions. He likes the word "hot" and uses it on all his mommy's friends. All the time.
Parenting is...: 
a learning adventure. Every time I think I'm the one teaching my son, he turns around and lets me see things about myself. And it's really really fun.
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
I'm obsessed with Bikram yoga, drinking wine and watching really bad (or good if you are a fan of the Bachelor) TV.
When are you at your yummiest?: 
in the yoga's the only time where you have a full 90 minutes to do nothing but listen, honor and love yourself
If someone wrote a biography about you, what would be the title?: 
Things to do. Places to go. People to see.
What's currently in your purse?: 
Which one? My aunt taught me to be prepared: among seven tubes of lipgloss, tampons, the visa, a diaper and some loose change you can usually find a spare pair of panties and a screwdriver. No joke
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
listening to thoughts
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
under my bed, it would totally fit
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