The Children's Book Bank goes through 10,000 books a month. Why not pay it forward by giving the gift of reading to a child?
Five self-help books that can help you achieve new purpose and attain the success and bliss you've been looking for.
When Canada Reads asked Canadians, "What is the one novel that could change our nation?" this is the list they came up with.
When whine turns to wine. Win a copy of the hilarious book for parents that combines cocktails and comedy.
An evocative tale and vividly intense coming of age story for the trio of boys and the city at large.
Quench your addiction for fiction with this epic tale filled with rich history intermixed with scenes of horror that will keep you riveted to the very end.
This must-read story is a touching tale that will resonate with the insecure teen that lives inside each and every one of us.
Win a copy of Unravelled the debut novel of M.K. Tod about love, marriage and wars.