After learning of a family friend who passed away and left behind four children, I knew I had to take that leap of faith and leave my job.
Small biz owners and bloggers share lessons learned from the Women in Biz conference.
As an adult, it's hard to conceive of school, a place where kids play, make friends, and learn, as a stressful place. But here's the reality.
Dispelling the myths of mompreneurship. Making money and spending time with your kids is often mutually exclusive.
Bear Grylls's son taking after adventurer father's footsteps.
You start a business to be available to your kids and then you need to outsource childcare so you can run it. We call this the mompreneur paradox.
When mixing entrepreneurship with motherhood we have to talk about the controversial Mompreneur word.
You may have heard that former Google exec Marissa Mayer just became the new CEO of Yahoo. Oh yeah, and she's pregnant.