The soft drink is getting a makeover thanks to consumer input. But is it enough?
Instead of making Americans proud, this Super Bowl commercial brought out the racist in many who weren't afraid to voice their opinions on social media.
Coca-Cola deserves a slow clap for this new commercial that shows sexual orientation shouldn't matter.
sex marketing for coke ad
Calling all parents! Watch this Coke commercial that nails the exhaustion, confusion, absurdity and chaos of early parenthood.
30 things this mom misses about being young. Tell us what you miss.
Time to stop your pop. The shocking photos of what diet soda can do to your teeth.
Don't skip this article! The truth about how many minutes you'll have to exercise in order to burn off the calories in one can of cola.
glass of cola
An infographic fbreaking down what happens in your body up to one hour after guzzling a can of Coca Cola has gone viral but it's not actually accurate.